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The Project


"Love Letter to" began â€‹as a project for a college writing class. Over the course of an entire semester, I wrote weekly experiments that followed the subject of creativity in the digital age, specifically through coding and programming. In the last round of experiments I planned to gather information about why people chose to become computer programmers. It was at this stage that I realized I was entirely bored with my subject. In an effort to salvage four months worth of work I tried to look at the project from new angles. I asked myself one question:


What part of it was I still enjoying?


My favorite moments of research had come when I was reading articles or interviewing students who truly had a passion for what they were doing. This inspired me to start thinking about love letters. Especially during the present crisis, when physical proximity is not an option for many people, words have the ability to mean so much. I began asking friends, family, classmates, and professors to write a love letter to anyone or anything. Receiving them always put a smile on my face. I hope that this site brings a little bit of joy, love and inspiration to each viewer. Thanks for reading :)

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